Warren L.
Warren Lincoln is a creative soul from Southern California, with a deep interest for photography, music, content creation, video games, computers, and programming. His heavy interest in photography led Warren to pursue a Bachelor's Degree in Photography and is currently pursuing a certificate of achievement in the same field. Although he initially studied Electrical Engineering, Warren realized that photography is where his decided to focus on it as a full-time career.
With a keen eye for detail and a passion for visual storytelling, Warren is committed to capturing images to create memories and the emotions tied to them. He specializes in various genres, including portraits, landscape, and family photography. In his photographs there is a heavy focus on people and photographing their most genuine moments. 
In addition to his photography skills, Warren is also an experienced content creator, Twitch streamer, and occasional YouTuber. Music has also been a big part of his life since he was young, and it taught him the importance of consistent practice and dedication to become skilled. Through his creative pursuits, Warren hopes to inspire others to follow their dreams and pursue their passions.

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